b'Partnering with industryWomen in Automotive Commercial road transport: MITO continued its close involvement withBarriers to training researchWomen in Automotive New Zealand, a workingWith a funding grant from the Inspiring Futures group collective of organisations that are equallyFoundation, MITO worked with our Road to passionate about developing and growing NewSuccess partners to carry out a research Zealands automotive industry: NZ Collisionproject into the barriers to training within the Repair Association, DRIVEN Car Guide,commercial road transport sector.MITO, Motor Industry Association, Motor Trade Association, Natasha Callister, and CustomThe research aimed to find ways to shift Fleet. The collective has the aim of activelycompanies perception of formal training from increasing the participation of women acrossbeing a cost to the sector to being a good the automotive industry, and the advancement ofinvestment in developing a skilled workforce and women into automotive senior leadership roles.making the sector more attractive as a career pathway. 2024 saw the launch of the Accord, where organisations can pledge their support toWhile this research has reaffirmed some of the Women in Automotive and commit to makingbarriers that were well known, it has identified change within their own businesses. Initialareas for further investigation. MITO will work signatories include a number of major automotivewith the CRT industry associations to implement employers, including Giltrap Group, Inchcapeinitiatives to further lower the barriers of industry New Zealand, Sime Motors, Armstrongs, engagement in CRT formal training.A J Motors, and Custom Fleet.The collective has engaged with industry through the year, including a speaking opportunity at AutoTalk Live. An event held at Armstrongs in September focused on attracting and developing more women into thriving automotive sales careers. MITO has been an invaluable partner in the Women in Automotive movement,dedicating time, expertise, and resources to help drive meaningful change. MITOs involvement is essential in ensuring we develop a strong pipeline of future talent forthe industry, creating pathways for more women to enter and thrive in automotive careers.We are incredibly grateful for their leadership and commitment to building a moreinclusive and diverse automotive sector in New Zealand.Natasha Callister, Co-Founder and Chair, Women in Automotive New Zealand22'